Stock Supplies Can Save Lives

A sucking chest wound occurs when there is a hole in the chest that doesn’t need an airway. Too much extra air in the chest can cause a lung to collapse. Another preventable killer is sucking chest wounds. Outside of the most advanced and well made medical gear in the world, you can get some of the best training. In the United States, there is a company or group that offers medical classes.

ifak kit

A pocket size guide shows how to use an item. Our tester was happy to find supplies like a trauma pad, elastic bandages, burn care gel, eye pads and more all neatly organized and labeled. There are enough supplies to treat up to 50 people and the plastic case is wall mountable, making it a smart choice for offices and other places where groups gather. I don’t know how many times a supply of gauze has come in useful over the years, but I always carry a first aid kit with it. It can be used to apply pressure to a wound, clean an injury, soak up blood, help stop bleeding and even form a part of a basic dressing for small to medium wounds.

Crepe bandages are useful for keeping small dressings clean and in place until you get some medical attention when you have something bigger than a cut. The BearFAK 3.0 is the best American first aid kit designed to address the MARCH E algorithm when treating life threatening bleeding, airway and respiratory issues. The STRIKE Pouch is an inexpensive design that works well in organization. There are two internal dividers and a lot of elastic bands inside. Long term treatment of a sucking chest wound is dealt with at a hospital, but you can help prevent damage and save a life by treating it as quickly as possible. With minimal medical training, we pack what we can carry.

It can be used as an arm sling, cover for head dressing, or as a tourniquet. You can find our first aid guides on topics like respiratory assessments and what to do in case your child is attacked by a bird. You will understand how a baby first aid kit could be used.

They Have Medications

The only purpose of the medical kits is to treat traumatic bleeding injuries. We know how important it is to be ready for an emergency, which is why we have IFAK carefully selected the first aid kit items to make sure you are prepared. We hope you don’t have to use the items in our first aid kits, but we think it’s important you have them on hand. There are small scissors. These come standard in any commercially available first aid kit and are useful for trimming bandages to size.

The kits are great for people who don’t have the experience of working under fire. You will be prepared for whatever life throws at you. Pre built kits can be used as a useful piece of equipment if you want to avoid having to build your kit. There is a pouch that holds supplies and a lot of them. It works and it has been proven in combat by a few thousand infantry Marines. The time a tourniquet was applied, as well as vital information on the patient, can be written with a black Sharpie.

The Family Has A First Aid Kit

They come with everything you need for a good tourniquet, gloves, chest seal, sharpie, and a lot more. The Adventure Medical Kit makes an adventure kit for you and your dog to use when on the trail. The bag can hold a lot of gear. They are large, which makes them hard for small kits, but I would pack them for hiking.

It has a solution for rinsing the eyes and irrigating wounds. Commercially available first aid kits are usually only used for minor injuries. The typical contents include bandages, pain medication, and a low grade Disinfectant. It is more than just the physical materials and medications used to treat ailments, it is also the tools that can assist with the process.

The long term effects of Burns are terrible. The first step in treating an injury is to relieve pain. More lives have been saved on the battlefield by the Modern Tactical Tourniquet. It can keep you alive long enough to get you to medical care, and that’s what the IFAK is all about. To replace items that are out of date, it is important to check your kit on a regular basis. Everyone should have a first aid kit in their home, car and workplace.

The MyFAK is a first aid kit that has everything you need in it. Whether you are going on a camping trip, embarking on a backpacking adventure, or just want to have a first aid kit at home, this IFAK has you covered. Every Deployed Soldier was issued the IAAK via the Rapid Fielding Initiative. expendable medical items are packaged inside a modified MOLLE 100 round SAW ammo pouch.

It’s a good idea to keep aspirin in your first aid kit as well. An adult with chest pain could be saved by taking aspirin. Call for emergency medical help if you or someone else is having a heart attack. If you are allergic to aspirin, have bleeding problems, or have been told by your doctor not to do so, don’t take aspirin. During an emergency, medications can come in handy.